Configuring .vimrc and .gvimrc for Mapping Keys
These four links are useful when you are using gvim first time or beginner to use gvim.
define complex group for highlighting
configuring color property for highlight group
Configuration of .gvimrc
Gvim Basics - 1
Gvim Basics - 2
Gvim Basics - 3
Gvim Basics - 4
In the following links might be useful to use gvim very much efficiently. Techniques and commands given in the link will might save your time and effort from tedious editing process and speed up your productivity.
Gvim FAQ
Processing Cases in gvim
Note : If you have any questions regarding gvim please let me know through comment on this post I will try my best to give you an answer.
Processing Cases in gvim
Note : If you have any questions regarding gvim please let me know through comment on this post I will try my best to give you an answer.
save my day. thanks!